
All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below.

A nice gradient shape
Glass abstract

Images & videos

All images and videos used in Do-Whith Webflow Template come from Unsplash, Pexels, and Freepik, and are free for personal and commercial use.


All icons used in Do-Whith Template come from an open source icon library - Font Awesome and some others are custom created as SVGs, PNGs etc. . Meaning they are free for personal and commercial use.


Do-Whith Template is using two additional fonts, called Cabinet Grotesk and Inter .They can be downloaded at Fontshare and Google Fonts . They are 100% free for personal and commercial use.

Other assets

Any other assets that were created by FlowFye during the process of designing the template are 100% free for personal and commercial use.